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How do I get the best stretch limousine prices. London limo hire.

IMG_0987Often when providing quotes I am asked if “that is my best price” or “can you do any better” We all like a bargain and to be honest I am probably one of the worst however being self employed I have come to appreciate service as well as price, although price is the bottom line for some people service should also be a consideration. There are some great TV programmes such as “Don’t get done get dom” “Watchdog” “Rip of Britain” etc we they are constantly telling people to check prices and asking companies if they can do any better! We do try to stay market competitive but most of us run cars or have family that run cars petrol and insurance is not cheap for anyone nowadays and unfortunately these essential outgoings are our biggest outgoings and are needed to be taken into consideration when providing the best stretch limo prices.

We always aim to provide the very best price, please remember we are not taxis or mini cab we are chauffeur vehicles and although we are on the fun side you pay money for service and style. Most of our customers are not paying for a five minute trip down the road, it is for a special occasion, anniversary, birthday, prom, hen or stag night, wedding and you would be extremely disappointed if the limo chauffeur turned up in jeans and t-shirt or the limousine looked like it had been dragged through a hedge backwards, smelling of takeaways, mud on the carpets etc things like cleaning the vehicle every time it goes out inside and out is just one of our commitments to you to provide the best stretch limo experience.

Our limos, the maintenance, the ware and tear on our parts are higher than most other private hire vehicles due to them being imported from the USA, we have specialist mechanics and specialist work shops to work on the limousines they are few and far between but this is an another un seen outgoing the general public may not think about. When we started trading 9 years ago we made the commitment to transport our customers in the safest and finest limousines we could provide.

Our chauffeurs (please don’t get these confused with drivers!) we insist are suited with white shirts and matching ties over the years we have seen some sites of what other limousine companies may fine acceptable for their drivers to be wearing! that’s not us or our uniform policy. We open doors, provide you mobile number contact you have your own chauffeur this is our commitment to providing you with the ultimate limousine experience.

The facilities on board are not comparable to taxis, mini buses or mini cabs, You control your music, your lighting, your comfort, your evening! there are glasses for you to use wine coolers to keep your drinks cold! tell me any other private hire car that offers you all this!

You can rely on 24-7 Limos to always offer you our best, first, quote this may not be the cheapest it may well be! but price shouldn’t always be your deciding factor always consider limo hire.

I always try and pick up the phone never make a booking over the internet for a limousine, great place to start but we would advise all our customers to call us, a phone call strengthens your decision, we can then also reassure you of our commitments and all bookings are confirmed in 24 hours of booking by email confirmation

24-7 Limos has become a labour of love to our family, we aim to be great value and the same time we have to make a profit after that’s why we are in business! we are a family run small business trying to make our way in this world and hopefully after being in business 9 years we have succeeded.

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