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Posts Tagged cheap limo hire

How much is it to hire a limo? Stretch limousine deals in Watford & London

How much is it to hire a limo? Stretch limousine deals in Watford & London

When customers calls through to 24-7 Limos they are of course looking for the best limo at the best price. When we consider promotions/ limo hire deals and our rates, we always try to be as competitive as possible but still offering the best limousine deals in […]

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How do I get the best stretch limousine prices. London limo hire.

How do I get the best stretch limousine prices. London limo hire.

Often when providing quotes I am asked if “that is my best price” or “can you do any better” We all like a bargain and to be honest I am probably one of the worst however being self employed I have come to appreciate service as well […]

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